We are a contemporary clinic and in the modern world, the importance of first impressions should not be underestimated. We don’t over claim or promise impossible things. What we do assure you is a comfortable and painless experience that will put you and your family at ease and ensure a positive dental experience.

We’re not your typical dental office. From the moment you enter our doors — the refined look and tech- savvy environment create a memorable experience you’ll remember and cherish and encourage you to return for regular checkups by putting you at ease without creating an air of apprehension. The inviting reception that welcomes you into our clinic and ensures that your wait time is comfortable before your appointment would help you towards our cozy and comfortable seating. Our warm and welcoming staff ensures that all our patients ranging from kids to the elderly are comfortable at all times and strive to answer all your queries to the best of their knowledge.

We ensure a comfortable waiting time ahead of your procedure. With varied refreshments like tea, coffee and juices available, you can settle your nerves and refresh yourself. Sip on them in our wifi-enabled zone or book corner while settling in and catching-up on the latest in entertainment and work. Warm and inviting, our modernistic passageway leads to specialised treatment rooms where your privacy and ease are taken into highest consideration. Here, comfortable ergonomic chairs await you – brushing away awkward pain in the neck while ensuring a hassle-free dental experience. Whether you are seeking the ultimate beautiful smile makeover, or simply desire to restore and maintain your smile at its healthiest, we at Smilekraft Dentistry always strive to surpass your expectations.

View from the waiting