Ceramic Caps in Pune, India
Smilekraft Dentistry specializes in making pure ceramic caps for teeth in Pune, India.
Earlier, the type of cap/crown that was used the most, had a base of metal as a foundation and porcelain that was placed over it (metal ceramic). There were inherent cosmetic and bio-compatibility issues with this, such as grey/dull looking teeth and black lines around the gums with food accumulation near the metal ceramic cap margins. Dr. Priyank Mathur predominantly places all porcelain/ceramic crowns (metal free dental caps) in Pune at Smilekraft Dentistry and the benefit is to create the most natural smile & health possible, without sacrificing the strength and durability. In actuality, they are more functional.
If you are looking for a once in a lifetime treatment to sort out all your cosmetic and functional issues, then these ceramic caps in Pune, India at Smilekraft Dentistry are your best option. Because of their versatility, porcelain crowns/ceramic caps can be used effectively to solve a variety of problems. If your tooth is broken or is not strong enough to withstand normal wear and tear or has become extremely worn-down, a porcelain/ceramic crown would be an ideal treatment for you.

Old PFM (porcelain fused to metal) or metal ceramic caps

New pure or all ceramic emax caps
Porcelain crowns are also excellent for restoring teeth that have had large fillings needing replacement, root canal treated teeth and dental implants. They can be used aesthetically to lighten your teeth, narrow gaps, and reduce crowding. Because of their success and versatility, they have long been popular amongst our patients.
Smilekraft Dentistry specializes in crowns made entirely of porcelain for several reasons.
We specifically use crowns from 3M, Czar, Nobel Procera and EMax from Ivoclar Vivadent.