A well-conducted implant surgery is essential, but what is forgotten a number of times is the importance of post-dental implant care to ensure a complication-free process. As compared to other tooth replacement options such as crowns that fit over the teeth,
dental implants are attached to the jawbone that provide you the much-needed chewing support. This, in return is important for the stimulation of the jawbone as well as gums.
that provide you the much-needed chewing support. This, in return is important for the stimulation of the jawbone as well as gums.
With the dental implant surgery, it is very important to allow enough time, rest and care for the healing process. Without this, the dental implants may fail. This is because the bone must be allowed sufficient time to bond to the titanium root of the implant. The bonding process is essential to keep the tooth secure. Dr. Priyank not only ensures a smooth-sailing process, but also lists a few essential post-care tips:
First and foremost, the most important way to preserve your dental implants is to maintain excellent oral hygiene which includes brushing and flossing daily in order to avoid any kind of infections
- While the healing process takes time, it is not uncommon to experience tenderness or swelling for a few days which can be compressed with an ice-pack
- It is essential to eat food or liquids that are of mild temperature, avoid junk food of any kind for a few days
- LIght exercise such as walking, jogging to yoga can be resumed within 3 days, higher intensity physical activity should be avoided for a week after the surgery
- Avoid smoking since it is detrimental to your oral health