Here’s some food for thought — did you know that your kitchen is a powerhouse for your pearly whites? Healthy eating not only promotes strong teeth and gums, but there are certain foods that actually help whiten your teeth naturally. Snacking on the right food is the secret to that shiny, white and bright smile. Here are some of our favourites:

Naturally Whiten your Teeth
Strawberries may stain your shirt but they’re actually good for whitening your teeth. The malic acid in them helps dissolve superficial stains on the surface of the teeth. They’re also packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants that can help reduce stain-attracting bacteria and inflammation in your mouth.
Broccoli and Cauliflower
These veggies require a lot of chewing, but that’s exactly what makes them so good for your teeth. The more you chew your food, the more saliva you produce which can help clean and polish your teeth. Additionally, broccoli is a powerhouse of iron which creates a wall of protection for your teeth against the enamel-degrading acid that’s produced by bacteria. This helps prevent stains and cavities.
Apples and pineapples
You may have heard the age-old proverb that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but the malic acid present in apples cleans your teeth and helps remove stains. Moving on to pineapples, they’re the only food that naturally contains bromelain—a compound with anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. This enzyme disrupts proteins on the enamel surface thereby breaking up stains and discolouration. Being crunchy and juicy, the natural scrubbing action while you chew these fruits remove particles from the teeth and keep them white. Thereafter, your saliva then naturally washes the stains away.
Sipping on water throughout the day encourages the production of saliva. Moreover, consuming water during and after a meal helps to rinse your mouth of any food particles and loose plaque.
Cheese and yoghurt
We all know that dairy products are needed for strong bones. But did you also know that the lactic acid and calcium present in these products protect your teeth against tooth decay? They’re known for fortifying the enamel whilst also whitening it. So there you have it, all the more reason to say ‘Cheese’!
While these are just a few foods that keep your teeth naturally white, we at Smilekraft Dentistry also offer a number of tooth whitening options that give long-lasting results. Drop by our conveniently located clinic in Wakad and get set to dazzle the world with your smile!